PRANCER: A CHRISTMAS TALE is a charming Christmas fable directed by Phil Hawkins, written by Greg Taylor, and starring James Cromwell, Darcey Ewart, and Sarah-Jane Potts. The musical score was written by composer Mark McKenzie, among the last of the uncompromised classic screen composers whose lyrical melodies often transcend the materials that inspired them. Beginning his screen career as an orchestrator, like Hugo Friedhofer before him, coming to prominence while enriching Bruce Broughton’s score for YOUNG SHERLOCK HOLMES in 1985, and later bringing color and character to the works of such established composers as Jerry Goldsmith, John Williams, John Barry, Danny Elfman, Alan Silvestri, and the aforementioned Bruce Broughton, McKenzie remains a uniquely individual voice within the presentations of modern cinema. Possessing artistic integrity and an individuality of spirit, rapidly disappearing from commercial film endeavors, often to his detriment, Mark McKenzie has emerged as one of the finest screen composers in the legendary land of broken dreams. Refusing to bend or bow to the constraints of uniformity, McKenzie’s works have only grown in their power and singular beauty.
THE GREATEST MIRACLE (2011) and, particularly, MAX AND ME (2018) were revelatory in their symphonic splendor and spirituality.
Here is just a portion of my original review of McKenzie’s stunning score for the Holocaust remembrance, MAX AND ME:

Mark McKenzie’s score for MAX AND ME is a triumphant, ravishing masterwork – a glorious, infinitely exquisite tribute to the overpowering faith and inherent goodness alive within the human soul. It is a work of extraordinary beauty and dramatic power that cries out from the ashes of the concentration camps for recognition, for a voice, and for a legitimate CD release. Perhaps time and justice will ultimately prevail. Until then, the composer’s musical vision and ethereal artistry shall continue to prevail, while the charity and sacrificial nobility of men like Maximillian Kolbe will forever inspire the world. — CD review 21 March, 2018

The composer’s newest score was written for the fanciful Christmas fable PRANCER: A CHRISTMAS TALE, concerning the holiday transformation of a troubled family and their life altering visitation by a magical reindeer. Listening to this wistful McKenzie score reminds one of his gentle, sensitive gifts and artistry in composing these lyrical, deceptively subtle melodies. His music is filled with the wonder of limitless possibilities, as well as the power and beauty of dreams.
The original motion picture soundtrack, released on CD by Intrada Records, is a warm, affectionate companion to the sweet, sometimes mystical magic of the annual Christmas season, and is a welcome gift for any film music enthusiast during these troubling times. Its most charming, memorable selections and interludes include …
“Nothing Is Beautiful Without You” – sets the tone with its fragile, sweet, and tender melodies.
“Love Arrives As A Reindeer” – speaks lyrically to a hope filled longing for seasonal beauty and acceptance.
“Nothing Is Impossible” – resonates with an utterly magical, hauntingly inspirational choir tenderly caressing the music.
“The Greatest Gift Is Friendship” – gently assures the listener of the truth of genuine friendship like joyous particles of falling snowflakes … nearly holy in its spirituality, and dearly affectionate celebration of life, and childlike wonder.
“Your Smile Lights Up The Room” – elicits gentle goosebumps, serenading the miraculous wonder, and gentle healing power of love.
“Woo-Hoo She Likes You!” – celebrates the joyous awakening of innocence with the youthful exhilaration of first love.
“She Was As Kind As The Day Is Long” – weaves a sweet tapestry of purity and goodness. It is a reverent hymn to a mischievous coming of age, resonating, as well, as a lyrical redemption and tribute to the utter purity of childhood.
“We Were Magic Together” – fulfills its joyous promise, yet softly touching and ever so gentle.
“I Will Always Believe In You” – is possessed of a generosity of warmth, and comforting reassurance.
“My Tears And The Magic Of Your Light” – is a delicately woven tapestry of faith filled love and adoration, a somehow mystical exploration of mutual caring and affection.
“Prancer Dances” – offers a soft, subtle, sweetly delicate remembrance of “The Nutcracker.”
“I Have To Thank You” – is gently overflowing with tender promise and hope.
“Silent Night Hug” – is a reverential commemoration of a Christmas classic.
“Love As Though You’ve Never Been Hurt” – emerges as an ethereal, heartbreaking reflection of friendship, and a cherished encounter.
“Prancer: A Christmas Tale Suite,” – in its eloquent summation, is a wistful, enchanting soliloquy to the profound magic and life affirming power of love, faith filled, and joyously draped in hope.
Mark McKenzie remains one of the last treasures of original film music. His gentle humility, and compassionate humanity elevate the power, imaginative, spiritually transformative wonder of music, of friendship, and of the human soul.
Reviewed by Steve Vertlieb, Film Music Review, 23 December 2022
Additional Remarks:
I agree with Steve what he wrote about this lovely score by Mark McKenzie when he wrote it “is a warm, affectionate companion to the sweet, sometimes mystical magic of the annual Christmas season, and is a welcome gift for any film music enthusiast during these troubling times.”
I have long admired McKenzie’s ability to create the right mood and accompaniment to any film. I can recall writing a review long ago about one of his earlier scores
for DURANGO, which I named Best of the Month for August 1999 and I ended my review by writing:
“With all the mediocre scores around these days for action, sci-fi and comedies, this subtle score is a joy to listen to! A most worthwhile soundtrack release.
Highly Recommended.”
I express the same opinion about his PRANCER score and once again say it is — A most worthwhile soundtrack release and Highly Recommended.
–Roger L. Hall, Managing Editor, Film Music Review

To read the complete review of DURANGO, order your copy of the computer disc with hundreds of film music reviews, plus composer tributes and more, including audio and video bonus files. Read how to get your copy of the computer disc,
Film Music Review, 1998-2018 — go here